メアラ MEARRA ミアラ
舞台のための音楽的モチーフです | MUSICAL THEME FOR STAGE
演奏 | Musical performance
メアアラ ( sounds better ) MEAARA
ヰ (WI) ( ウィ )
1. Story & Character (overview)
Mearra* is a story of love without conquest. A love story of mystic surrender, synchronicity, and the powerful forces of fate. Set in a world of oceanic island chains featuring two moons which produce unique tides. It revolves around two dream lovers who meet each night over many years. In dreams where they meet, they take on different bodies, faces, and abilities to express their love, with only each lover's eyes remaining unchanged. Neither dreamer concieves that the other exists in the world. Instead, the dreams provide a fantasy of diverse entanglement that moves in the background of the waking lives of each character. A story of subconscious and conscious existance where the characters can observe both states without duality. Set on a planet with two moons and a many dotted islands with vast waters between, the story involves a pearl diver named Kleito, and Áed a cartographer sea captain.
1. ストーリー&キャラクター(概要)
『Mearra*』は征服なき愛の物語です。 神秘的な降伏、シンクロニシティ、そして運命の強力な力の愛の物語。 2つの月を特徴とする海洋の島の鎖の世界を舞台に、長年にわたって毎晩出会う2人の夢の恋人を中心に展開しています。 出会う夢の中では、それぞれの恋人の目だけが変わらないまま、さまざまな体や顔、愛情表現の能力を身につける。 どちらの夢想家も、相手がこの世に存在することを理解していない。 その代わり、夢はそれぞれの登場人物の覚醒した人生を背景に動く多様な絡み合いの幻想を提供する。 キャラクターが二重性なしに両方の状態を観察できる潜在意識と意識的な存在の物語。2つの月があり、広大な水の間に点在する多くの島がある惑星を舞台にKleito という名の真珠ダイバーと地図製作者の海の船長 Áed が登場する。
KLEITO: クレイト
Kleito dives for pearls each day in two coves just down from her cliff top home. The coves are named Cove of Sunrise and Cove of Sunset. She is well versed in the ways of the sea, has many allies above and below water, and is an expert in her field. She is the empress archetype to the villagers who live on the island with her. She brings abundance to the island by trading pearls with merchant ships that come to the port and bring supplies key to the island. One of her allies is an Albatross who visits her when she come up from diving in the coves.
While diving for pearls, Kleito can be underwater indefinitely. On this planet, beings can change shape under water (more on that later). Her tools for the trade are tradition Ama Diver tools of a chisels, goggles, wooden bucket, ring float, beach barrel, and rope.
Returning home after diving Kleito walks up a windy path to her cliff home overlooking the coves. Her pearls are sought after near and far, as she is able to find the most diverse color and sizes of her trade. Black, turquoise, rainbow pink, and ones that emit light. She has a secret room for ones that have a rare luminesent quality. For guests of her home, she has also number of display cases with pearls. She gives them to island villagers, along with seafood and seeweed as gift. For sale and trade there is a merchant port where ships come in to bring supplies to the island. Next to the port is the fishing docks as well.
MINOWIN & HINOTORI: マイノウィン & 火ひの鳥とり
Kleito's has a daughter named Minowin. She keeps herself busy during the mornings her mother dives by visiting her friends in the village. She is a bright, curious, questioning, increditbly wide and compassionate girl. She loves all small things, and is perpetually pushing the boundries of everything around her to find the secret within all things. Of her friends in the village, Hi-no-Tori -火の (working name title) is also quite a wild one - so Minowin and him are best friends. She and him go on many expeditions thoughout the island, and into the sea. They know all the beaches, and all the sea caves in the area. Hinotori has aspects of the phoenix within his name and archetype. Minowin and 火の鳥, have their principle story in the ACT 2 production of the trilogy / 3 part play.
TANE: タネ
Kleito is in a relationship with a Fisherman (Tane). Tane was born and grew up on the island. His story is key to the larger arc of the trilogy. Kleito and Tane have a rich love together, yet he hears many tales by other fishermen of adventure in the wide island worlds. In his heart, he desires to leave the island and explore the worlds beyond. Yet has never left the island, going only as far as the second reef, beyond the cove of sunset. Somedays he wishes he could set sail and find adventure of his own, yet is happy to know Kleito and has great love and admiration for her. At night after the fisherman has gone to sleep, Kleito dreams of a man whose eyes compel her. They fly together, dive together and make love. So in the waking world, she loves the fisherman, and in the dream world another.
ÁED: ァエド
Áed, in the days and nights sails by sun, stars, and the two moons through unknown waters, finding islands and making exquisite maps of newly charted areas of the world of Mearra. His trade as cartographer is artistic, full of adventure and discovery, and brings forms and knowledge the all the people of the world. His maps are of the highest caliber and sought after in every port where he tarries, as news in the island chains and maps inspire many to set sail and others to dream of adventure. Some of his maps reveal tides and moon cycles in real time, a sort of living map. It is he alone in the entire world that has the ability to make these maps. While sailing the open seas, Áed dreams of a woman who takes many forms, yet whose eyes feel familiar. Together they have lived many years now in the dream world, and he has know her as a muse and lover of the mystic realms while his life at sea is vast and at times lonely.
One day, an unprecedented storm arises deep in the sea. Aed is out in it. Leagues away, off the shore of the cove of sunset, the Fisherman's boat is pulled by currents out to sea. Áed's boat is struck by lightning, breaking the mast of his ship. The boat capsizes and he falls overboard and goes into the depths of the sea. Kleito waits through the night at the shore for the Fisherman (Tane) to return, watching the waterfront. Each character must give up something they love, yet the sea brings them a gift.
1.1 Story & Character (detail)
>>> Áed | Sea Captain Cartographer
Áed, the cartographer sea-captain lives on the sea more than land, enjoys the open world and brings maps that he makes to various ports towns. He has traveled for many years, and hails from a mystic island where he was born. He has trained in the ways of sun, star, water, moons and wave spell with many teachers of the way. His native island if compared with earth-lore would have correlation of Druidic, Celtic origin with bardic traditions running long into his lineage.
Áed is rather tall, fit towards lean, has hazel eyes and red-ish hair. He is a master navigator, with all the tools, skills and vision needed to move across the sea. His ship is one of antiquity on the outside, yet within his quarters, an illuminated centrifugal spherical disc floats where a compass typically would be. Unknown to anyone, he has learned how to tame a star - i.e. - the spherical object is a black hole event horizon, using the seed of a star to pull and push his ship through any water or wind variable. His sails and ropes in place, the external facade of a traditional sail boat to all onlookers, so that at port, no-one suspects his abilities in engineering and knowledge. He is a time traveler as well, yet that remains untold in the first musical. His archetypal character involves the first solar fire, the eternal flame. His command of the sea is unparalleled and his maps are desired at all the ports he comes to, as their detail and artistry is high. He is also to the first in many cases to bring maps of new lands, with topography details rich in flora, fauna, and information, so he is well respected in all the islands known.
Occasionally an albatross of massive size visits Aed on the sea, taking fish from his hand, yet never landing on the rail of his boat, only sailing with him as it were. (Later in the story, during the storm, the Albatross is seen in the lightning circling above his boat, when the Fishermans boat makes the arc around the whirlpool in opposition, and when the strike of lightning hits Áed's mast, the Albatross is seen above in the lightning as Aed descends into the water.)
>>> Kleito | Pear Diver / Island Empress
Kleito lives in a castle home on a cliff by the shore with Fisherman (Tane) and her daughter Minowin who is perhaps 5-8 years old. In early pre-dawn mornings, she heads down to the Cove of Sunrise to dive for pearls. Her diving regalia includes all traditional pearl diving gear: baskets, short knife, ropes and also a spear for large fish. (& whatever else - r&d)
Kleito has dark almost black hair, opal green eyes, and a an oval face. Her limbs and body are toned from years of diving and knowledge of the worlds under water. Before sunrise, she meditates with the moons, and studies their binary orbits to best know the wave patterns (called wave-spell) and current changes in the cove. Predictive abilities in the water has lead her to be a leader in her field, as this ocean is much more unpredictable than an earthly one, due to having two lunar bodies pulling and pushing the tides. Her living is made primarily from selling black pearls that have a specific purple to violet hue that are unique to the region. She collects a wide variety of pearls, some for others to see and some she keeps private. The island village wears her pearls in various adornments from necklaces to bracelets and anklets. They are often apart of ceremonial garments that are used for union rituals, passing ceremonies, and rites of spring for young lovers. Her pearls are regarded as individuation for her tribe, her village, her island. By seeing the pearl, it is known where from and by who it comes, similar to face painting and textile work of primitive first root tribes and tunings of instruments by region.
While diving Kleito acquires luminous pearls that she puts in a light-proof soft glass container that is folded within a silk pouch and wrapped with fine silk lace rope. These pearls are the subject of another story that comes later, and are unknown to all the island, her daughter and even the Tane. Occasionally when surfacing and returning to the cove of sunrise shore, an Albatross lifts her out of the water by clutching the two ends of her spear and Kleito glides gently down onto the shore.
Kleito's afternoons are spent often at home preparing the pearls for village market, spending romantic time with her love Tane, and teaching Minowin how to tie knots and weave floating baskets for diving. Kleito also paints and makes sculptures that pervade the gardens of her lands, and the painting share many walls throughout the island. Her skill as an artist and pearl diver are exceedingly high and she is known by all to be mysterious, kind, true to her word and a bit eccentric.
In evenings after dinner with her daughter Minowin* she sometimes plays the lyre: Aeolian Harp type instrument. It is placed into the window frame during the days and taken out of the window sometimes in the evening and strummed. The music that comes from the harp/lyre is carried on the winds far out to sea and sometimes confused with siren song. The village knows the harp, as it is played by the wind or hand and the tone is synchronic with life of the island. Music, wind, and celestial events seem to be all intertwined within this particular instrument and the song of the sea and island rhythm seems to be within its notes.
At night she dreams of a secret love, a man whose eyes stay with her into waking. In dream they travel, make love, and move together as bamboo stalks in the wind. Aed also dreams of a her who pulls him deeper into the sea with eyes of mystical light and beauty. (cosmic dream union).
(*Minowin spends her days with her best friend Hintotori, returning home before sunset each day to share dinner with Kleito and Tane. The child is quite advanced and has many parents in the village culture)
[Motif 8] One day/night there is a great storm. The two moons play a role, a trine, and eclipse also play a role. On Mearra there are solar eclipses, where only one moon eclipses the sun. There are lunar eclipses, where one of the two moons eclipse the other, and also lunar/solar eclipses, where the sun is eclipsed by one of the moons, Grand Trine is where the sun is halo-ed/eclipsed by the two moons in eclipse. A rare event astrologically and astronomically, a trine produces the most unique wavespell of all upon the face of the sea.
[Motif 8.2] after much struggle to control the ship, lighting breaks the mast in two. The albatross is seen haloed in the lightning strike as it happens. A thunderous groan of the boat and a tearing of the hull, rigging swung starboard side into the sea with great force - the ship capsizes with Áed on deck. He is thrown into the water with the ship breaking to pieces in the wave-spell with mountainous walls for waves. The lighting highlights the actions in peak moments cinematically until there is no part of the ship seen above the surface of the water.
[Motif 9] Áed is thrown over and descends into the deep. The viewer sees him descending/ascending into the deep. For the musical, this is shown through shadow puppetry and film projected onto a scrim of him descending (the footage is shot upside down so he appears to be lifting upward with the light underneath him). In the film, this is shown in slow motion - ultra slow ( phantom camera 1000 frames to play with ideally) with string score slowing time to a crawl. Eventually a moment of silence. darkness. pulse of lightning way above with muted light under. then darkness. Aed descends.
[Motif 10] In this darkness in the depth of the sea - he has visitation by a spirit. eyes closed, he is illuminated by the being. The viewer sees a soft light on his face close up. We see his hands drifting slowly in the water and his body appears lifeless. With the gentle light getting stronger and brighter, his eyes show REM motion and eventually open. The being and Aed communicate in the depths of the sea, breathing water in and out as they have council together. He sees that his quest for true love is within his heart [beloved]. The divinity radiates love - he understands his quest more fully and surrenders all aspects of his life. The sea itself transforms, feeds him as a womb. then silence, his eyes close, then darkness again.
[Motif 11] We begin with deep water curves of light under many layers. Blue of almost black. In the water we see subtle shapes, inner cymatics, zodiac, thunderbird, albatross, jellyfish, two moons, the world of shapes, yet very loose like a wide netting of form, not clear or distinct, just hints of known shapes within the light patterns that are gold. Eventually the golden threads of light form to a solid lines interwoven - as a star on surface of the water. Then another star and then more until the sea becomes light. After this we hear the sea & shore. The light burns into the soft waves, surface of the water, then we see the Aed. He is floating eyes closed, face up, on some flotsam & jetsam in the pre-dawn. the ocean is vast and we pull back until he is a tiny speck in the night ocean, and ever so slightly the island comes into view in the east/west side or even above.
[Motif 8] (*from Fishermans perspective)
During the storm the Fisherman is out at sea. Earlier that morning, he sees clouds, yet still gathers his nets to fish. His fishing boat is rugged, a catamaran type structure offering stability in high seas, should it be needed. The storm clouds come quickly while Fisherman is retrieving his nets with the intent to return to shore. Before he can pull them all in, his boat breaks anchor and currents pull the it away from shore at an alarming speed. sunset sky and the two moons are seen between cloud cover. the wave-spell brings the mountain size waves in irregular patterns of tides. At one point his boat and that of the Sea-Captain Aed pass each in other in an arc of opposition. Their eyes lock for a moment. between each boat is a valley whirlpool and each boat rests upon the mountain rim of wave. It is an opening in the field, an acknowledgment, the feeling of stretching/foundation/fate all wrapped in the gaze. The fisherman's craft is blown further into the storm, passing behind large waves, enters into currents that drive fisherman far from his island home.
At first he struggles against it with all his being, considering his love for the
Kleito and the Minowin. As the boat goes further into the night, he realizes that return is no longer an option. with deep anguish, he is surprised by an unknown and unforeseen joy
[Motif 10] he realizes his destiny & his desire to travel the seas on adventure has been within him all his life. without reason to leave the comfort of love and island life, it has been only a dream desire. In this case the storm is a catalyst for him to learn his true nature & a joy emerges in the morning.
Concurrent while Motif 6,7,8,9 are happening Kleito' perspective:
has a dream the night before the storm that her fisherman lover is carried away on the crest of a wave. She wakes and dismisses it in the morning when he [3] leaves the shore. [6-8] When the storm becomes apparent, she reaches out to him inside herself telepathically. he responds with the knowledge that the currents are taking him deep into uncharted waters. Inside their hearts, they know that their paths are diverging. The night of the storm [8] after this telepathy, Kleito enters into an altered state. She dreams while awake. At the cove of sunset, she builds an altar, lays on the shore in meditation, and listens to the lightning in the distance as rain and wind fall upon the island. She hears a loud lighting crack thundering far off shore. Over a long moment ( between middle night and pre-dawn) [9,10] she falls asleep on the shore wrapped in scarves.
[Motif 10/11] In the morning after the storm, Kleito is walking the shoreline, eyes to the sea, in deep meditation towards a the Cove of Sunrise. She has no basket, tools or spear, and appears in a trance. Sometimes when she has uneasy feelings or wishes to meditate, she comes to this spot not to dive, just to feel present. This particular morning she enters into a trance. A divine being visits her and she is told that her lover has been swept away and lost to the cycle of the sea, yet also that she is to receive a gift. She is moved to tears for the loss, yet her heart is also open a higher aspect of love. When she comes out of the trance, she sees something far out in the water towards the horizon. [11] At one point she can make out a form on some debris - pieces of a ship it looks like. She runs down to the shore, her heart in surrender - unsure of who it may be, she sees that it is a man she does not recognize floating slowly into the cove. She goes into the water, takes part of the ship that carries the man and does not recognize him. He is unconscious, yet breathing lightly.
From here we can go one of two directions for the 12th motif (Morning Comes):
Option A: Suddenly a large Albatross bird passes high in the sky blocking out the sun & she looks up. She hears its song. The shadow of the bird startles Aed into wakefulness. Island woman looks back from the sky to sea and gasps. [12] Her eyes recognize. His eyes become wise. They both breathe. He is the man she has dreamed of. She is the woman he has dreamed of. cosmic dream union.
Option B: beside the cove of sunrise, Kleito has a floating bed brought down onto the water made of a little raft that has shade from leaves above. It is a daybed where sometimes Kleito rests after diving. Here she brings the man and lays him down. Possibly villagers help her lift him. He remains in the other realm, eyes closed. She returns her gaze to the sea, and over a day or many days, while diving for pearls, she calls his spirit back to him from the ethers.
At some point, the Albatross passes high in the sky blocking out the sun & she looks up. She hears its song. She has known the albatross for many years, and all this time has never heard its song, only its cry. The song is unique and she when she looks down from the sky towards the floating bed, she gasps. [12] Aed is moving and trying to sit up, hearing the song also.She comes to his side and when he opens his eyes for the first time, she recognizes him. His eyes become wise as to who she is as well. cosmic dream union.
[13] Starcross - the final motif
This song is a celebration tune and is triumphant. All the villagers (who are dancers too) join in dance, laughter and merriment. Kleito and Aed are now wearing epic golden violet gypsy clothing, as empress and emperor, king and queen, with Minowin and Hintori present and dressed in similar fashion. There is a dance that is all theirs and as the villagers from the island circle and weave, a long scarf wraps around Kleito and Aed. Symbolic of divine union.
2. Overview of Musical Motifs
[1] "I Have a Dream" adapted lyrically to the musical
[entrance to the story / the song of 2 lovers ]
[2] Mearra - Part One
[ introduction to all the characters / band / the story unfolds ]
[3] Quest
[ the hero's journey begins ]
[4] Open Sea
[ wonder / calm sea / curiosity ]
[5] Plateau Apiary
[ long waves / sea-change / timeless / full sky ]
[6] Precipice
[ break / hint / balance ]
[7] Swells
[ no return / tipping point / cliff / wall of wave / return to presence ]
[8] Storm [in two movements of music]
[ furies / sirens / winds / lightning / destiny unfolds / catalyst ]
[9] Tipping Point
[ total abandon / fire meets water / explosive / capsize / forces ]
[10] Ascension
[ flight into the deep / depth perception / visitation / breathe water / surrender / completion of a cycle ]
[11] Drifting
[ floating on back / carried by the sea / surrender / auspicious moment ]
[12] Morning Comes
[ eclipse of sun & two moons / one sky / dream lovers bridge the heavens & earth / trine ]
[13] Starcross
[ eclipse of sun & two moons / one sky / dream lovers bridge the heavens & earth / trine ]
3. Storyboards
*still to be art directed. there are only preliminary sketches drawn by McKenzie Boyle
Storyboards : [1] I Have a Dream
Storyboards : [2] Dream Lovers of " "
Storyboards : [3] Quest
Storyboards : [4] Open Sea
Storyboards : [5] Plateau Apiary
Storyboards : [6] Precipice
Storyboards : [7] Swells
Storyboards : [8] Storm 1 & 2
Storyboards : [9] Tipping Point/Descent
Storyboards : [10] Ascension
Storyboards : [11] Drifting
Storyboards : [12] Morning Comes
Storyboards : [13] Starcross
4. Stage Direction Overview
[Motif 1] I Have a Dream
[ entrance to the story / the song of 2 lovers ]
stage : dark save for one spotlight. a character with a hat shielding his face. classical nylon string guitar/ baritone ukulele. gypsy style, he begins the song "I Have A Dream"As he moves through the first verse into the 2nd, a woman's voice enters the song. Audience sees only her foot in the circle of light .. then part of her dress moving in and out of the spotlight toward the edges of the man s spotlight. She is gypsy with traditional dress, dancer shoes, a tambourine, and a hat shielding her face also though it remains in half light prenumbra from the spotlight. This first song introduces the musical tone, and asks the audience to listen - to be carried by voices alone with stark stage lighting shielding the characters. a scarf .. the spotlight widens - male singer sings out into the room. as the song closes the spotlight narrows to a point on his face and then fades to black.
Lighting: [ twilight - pre-dawn ] [ i.r or u.v ] [ light meets water ]
[Motif 2] Dream Lovers
*central theme
[ introduction to all the characters / band ]
we hear strings - intro comes out of I Have a Dream - a dream sequence of string/muted & spacious.
stage :
lighting is dark, with background scrim of sea-cove / ocean waves footage slowly becomes more visible.. the strings bring the intro into the first bar of central theme - [tambourine & hand claps build to percussion ] the whole band/orchestra comes into the song & the stage illuminates them. there is red dress dance & light choreography. Dream Lovers lays out the story [with film footage scrim on sail of ship] & the melody is big, intimate & brings out the intelligence, talent of the musicians - like a jazz ensemble featuring of each of the players - subtle - yet noticeable as the audience takes in the stage/lighting/story via the dance. Kleito and Aed sing the duet lyrically together with choir.
as the song comes to a close - the stage again enters into darkness / deep blue : - waves .. profound slow moving waves on the back scrim with wave projections on the cast/band at chest level. The feeling is that the band is in the water up to their chests or so.
[ water begins to rule ] [sunrise]
[Motif 3] Quest
[ the hero's journey begins ]
enter the ship & sails :
herein lies the start of the instrumental orchestra centered body of music. [ motifs 3-10 being instrumental with choir and subtle voice]
the story is narrated & told by the shadow puppeteer completely. projected on the sail of the ship prop. we see the musicians on stage and entrances of characters [ albatross, sea captain, island woman, dancers ] both as people and shadow puppets. the dancers wear masks of the main 3 characters possibly to tell an architipal story- as well. Possibly we have only the dancers and puppeteering for emersion. Here the puppeteer will be the focus & the music will play as a sort of silent film score to a live telling of a story.
story (in short):
'Quest' - the sea captain (Aed) embarks on a journey of the sea at sunrise looking for uncharted islands to make maps of. the fisherman lover of the island woman (Kleito) goes out to sea fishing with his friends who are primarily fisherman. Kleito goes to cove of the sunrise where she dives for pearls, collecting shells and treasures of the deep in a basket.
[ morning ]
[ sunrise - light into mid-day ] [ r/i] [ 2 moon eclipse ]
[Motif 4] Open Sea
[ wonder-calm sea & curiosity ]
the magic of the beginning - hinted turbulence, yet inspiration.
[ afternoon ] [blue/green]
* actions - dancers - fabric sweeps act as water
[5] Plateau Apiary
[ long waves / sea-change / timeless / full sky ]
ENTER DANCERS [ as elementals ] - using yellow fabrics to display the long passages of beauty. the light on the water is golden. with strings, piano solos and open vistas of music with delicate sweeps.
Plateau Apiary is the golden time of light [ pre-sunset ] & the heart feels wide open, big, gliding on the sea. The waves are beginning to swell - yet the motion is harmony.
Shadow Puppet :
[ pre-sunset into sunset/twilight ]
k * long material for dancers - yellow gradient to darker colors at bottom - yellow stage light meets blue musicians with material dancers.
scrim in front of band at some point point with band projected from a light behind/on the boat.
[Motif 6] Precipice
[ break / hint of change into twilight/ chaos ]
start of the decline of day & surrender into night. waves come and the two moons are high in the sky.
cognition that the events are turning, that return is no longer an option is hinted, each character is given the key.
music becomes chaotic within melody and a driving motif starts. Here the lighting & dancers make a break from the last movement and begin to cover or look for safety.
The two moons phase and start towards each other in slow progression. the light begins a slow decent into twilight [ background scrim & stage lighting yellow to blue ]
shadow puppet :
[ sunset / twilight ] [orange]
[Motif 7] Swells
[ no return / tipping point / cliff / wall of wave / return
to presence ]
story: sea-captain sees & prepares for what is coming. island woman senses the night approaching & that things are changing, events unfolding.
the lover directs his fishing boat with an uneasy feeling.
dancers : big sweeps of motion - these are big waves coming & the music begins to ascend in dynamics - each dancer must stake a claim on their position & exit the stage.
puppeteer: effects of waves & boat - forces. foghorn moment - the night comes - hark
wavespell: two moons approach each other & the sky darkens.
realization of approaching storm & hope mixed with fear. eyes open & listening to each change of current.
[ twilight meets night ]
[red/deep red]
[red lantern time - submarine style ]
[Motif 8] Storm
[ furies / sirens / winds / lightning / destiny unfolds / catalyst ]
the center of the musical. catalyst.
music: biggest drums, violins screeching, horns in counter-point, tempest, orchestra is being brought to a point of volume, timbre & mood that is dark, foreboding,
action: boat is challenged - waves like walls, lowest & highest on the crest of a wave and in the valley of it. illuminated in flashes [ lightning hitting water ] - offering no release from the tension.
back scrim will provide lightning / darkened sky / 2 moons gone from view. RAIN/WAVE WALLS
puppeteers: storm / boat toss / rain effects / flashes dancers : will embody 'the furies' / 'sirens' & tell the story with fabrics, lighting effects & quik motion. ELEMENTALS - WIND / FIRE / WATER
story: Aed sees his potential future, although confident in the ships abilities, the waves are unprecedented. He works to save the boat, ropes, keel and sailing tricks, yet the swell is massive.
Fisherman crosses the path of Sea-Captain in the storm - they face each other arcing opposite ways in the storm. silent recognition. eyes lock.
Kleito senses the events psi style and is at home and runs down the cliff to the shore of the coves in the howling wind. watching the sea, rain covering her and she observes the lunar activity in strobe light lunar light hidden in the clouds, then emerging - grand trine, eclipse between 2 moons & sun is forming
At one point lightning strikes the mast, and it cracks in to splinters, and the boat heaves portside. Aed falls overboard into the water.
[ midnight into 3am relative to earth time sense]
[ blue / black/ white ]
[Motif 9] Descent / Tipping Point
[ total abandon / fire meets water / explosive / capsize ]
story: Capsize. Sea Captain overboard.
>>lightning destroys a tree next to the Island Woman on the shore in the cove of sunset.
>> Fisherman's boat is pushed beyond return by currents. He faces it with a cold recognition & excitement/exhaustion.
action : sails/boat on stage swing & hit the ground. a spotlight hits it as lightning & we hear the mast crack.
music : ambient - quiet & soft. suspense. release.
shadow puppetry & dancers off stage
Puppeteering on sails is done.
Dancers leave the stage.
Projector on back scrim: tells a story via mini movie style of the Sea Captain's descent into the deep. bubbles going down(up) - (flipped upside down, so he is going up into darkness)
[ 3am ]
[ ultra violet / golden light ]
[Motif 10] Ascension
[ flight into the deep / depth perception / visitation / breathe water / surrender ]
story: Aed drifts down the depths of the sea. he descends into darkness. on the floor of the ocean, there is visitation. he breathes underwater. womb. divine visitation.
moons: grand trine eclipse almost complete
>>island woman collapses, knowing the storm has taken something dear to her. deep sleep.
>> fisherman exhausted on his boat drifting far into the deep sea and unknown waters by currents.
back scrim: underwater. up/down. darkness, water-light - bubbles going down, sea captain rising again with lighting reversed, soft light, wings, whale tail, eyes, divinity,
music: ambient - quiet & soft. suspense. release.
[ 3am - 5am ]
[ ultra violet / golden light ]
[Motif 11] Drifting
[ floating on back / carried by the sea / surrender / auspicious moment ]'burn from stars on water to white'
story: sea-captain floating on his back - flotsam/jetsam. eyes closed. surrender. washes into cove of sunrise during this song.
>> island woman at cove of sunrise. has walked there in hope, in loss, in meditation. surrender. sees the sea captain floating into the cove
music: Female Lead Vocals with ukulele & strings
scrim: grand trine eclipse coming to a total eclipse at end of song.
[ >> at this point the Island Woman looks up at albatross bird & then sees the eclipse & the sky/set darkens to candlelight]
puppetry: Albatross puppet emerges at the end of song right before the solar eclipse happens.
*story - end of song : island woman runs into the water toward the man floating into the cove of sunrise. she does not recognize him / realizes it is not her lover. she looks up & is within the shadow of a great bird [ albatross puppet ] of the sunrise into mid morning. we hear the birds song. grand trine solar eclipse - sky darkens - she looks down. sea-captain opens his eyes their eyes meet.
knowing. recognition. surprise. joy. flsh of energy. she & sea captain recognize each other after the eclipse startles them both. they gasp is surprise.
[ pre- morning twilight ]
[ solar eclipse with 2 moons eclipsing - grand 3 ] [deepblue]
[Motif 12] Morning Comes
[ solar eclipse with 2 moons / phase to triangle in sky ]
Stage : Male & Female lead vocals - a duet .. tender soft light, subtle twilight of the eclipse phasing out into open sky .. morning comes - sunrise happens in the song.
MUSIC : strings & a shift in the musical, as this is the first & only song in 4/4. It starts a cycle of major chords & lifts the audience out of the last 11 motifs.
spotlight on the 2 singers. deep blue stage light, into orange & then a sun rise via lighting/scrim etc ..
[ morning light ]
[Motif 13] Starcross
[ meeting of sun two moons eclipse / one sky / dream lovers bridge the heavens & earth / trine ]
STORY : >> after the sea captain & island woman recognize each other - they declare their love in song. STAGE : bright & open - the rising suns, day break chorus of singers & big swell of dance, joy & energy.
MUSIC : chorus / choir / big celebration of love & good luck
ENDING : This is the final song for the stage performers & so we make it big & beautiful. bow at the end - flowers everywhere - then close the curtains ..
[ morning of a new day ] [red/orange/yellow]
Sea of Destiny - Act 1 is complete.
5. Directors Vision
Mearra is a love story. One of surrender vs conquest.
On a timeless planet with two moons, it has the ability to communicate to a wide audience with its powerful archetypal characters. Using an emotional gypsy classical score, shadow puppetry, dancing, taiko drum ensembles, and film projections, Mearra has the ability to transport the viewer into an immersive environment.
The intent of direction for this work is to bring a compelling story to light by gathering fine artists of diverse fields into one arena with a soundtrack score that is evocative and moving. To feature a traditional gypsy tinge with orchestral classical score, the musical has a melodic force that has not yet been heard. The difference between gypsy violin and 1st chair classical violin is a central point to the score. Duets, solo voice, combine with diverse arrangement of Japanese taiko drums, flute, horns and electric guitar. Dance choreography using masks and fabrics as costume/scrims combined with a shadow puppeteering troupe, the story will be told on the sails of a floating stage ship and on the dancers themselves. The dancers will have a catwalk in front of the players who appear to be in the sea itself with waves projected on them. In addition a 360o projector will fill the theater placing the entire audience in a field of light related to the stage lighting.
Composed in 13 motifs, Sea of Destiny takes the audience through a story of two dream lovers who have not yet met. Beginning with 'I Have a Dream' [1] and 'Sea of Destiny - Part 1' - the overview of the characters & story is told through dramatic songwriting & lyricism being sang by a female & male lead. Then 'Quest' [3] which begins the orchestral/instrumental motifs [ 3-10] which leads to 'Storm' [8] - the catalyst motif of the musical. Each character will come through a this catalyst that will take something away from each, giving something more valuable in return. With duets, lyrical ballads, sweeping orchestration, and compelling vocal harmonies, the story pushes off from the shore with force. The intent is to bring the art of story into a new context with a modern archetypal characters. This musical has aspects of traditional musicals, yet holds a latitude that is designed as 'an experience' with a long standing story to unfold over time.
In an age of cultural wealth - 'Sea of Destiny' is a show that embraces diversity and seeks to evolve with each audience. The first tour is designed for Japan, with a taiko drum parts in the score to be played by Japanese drummers encouraging musical relationships between countries and players. The use of masks will also be reflective of the regions and traditions of certain cultures [ Noh Theater ] as a story-telling device. The idea is that over time, the musical will take on many musical & visual motifs, embracing a global cultural aesthetic & reflecting the music of a wide range of influence while telling a unique story.
Viva! -Cohen
6. Lyrics
[1] I Have a Dream:
[ male lead vocal & nylon guitar with female harmonies ]
I have a dream & it starts with you
I have a dream & it starts with blue eyes
like fire diamond rings
I have a dream....
I have a dream & it starts with you
I have a dream & it fills the night sky
rise like stories through
I have a dream
he looked like fire
but he fell like rain
she looked like blood
she fell like space
in between all she seemed
I have a dream
I have a dream & it starts with you
I have a dream & it starts with blue eyes
like fire diamond rings
I have a dream....
& it starts with you
[2] Dream Lovers of " "
[ duet of male lead & female lead, whole cast sings chorus & dance ]
All of his days he has wandered far from shore
Face of the sea, this horizon begs for more
She shows him the ring with a thousand worlds upon it
He's one just the same, though the wind has kissed him for it
She lives by the shore, with her child, a man & more
Yet each night she dreams that her his heart is sworn
with only his eyes in this wind swept sky
To burn as the stars in this harrowing night
All of his days he has wandered far from shore
Face of the sea, this horizon begs for more
Yet each night he dreams that to him, her heart is sworn
the pearl in the shell, the light in this dark storm
[11] Drifting
[ female lead vocals with ukulele ]
though your eyes play so far from me
this ship of dreams has fallen in the sea ..
darlin [ my love ] you're drifting, you’re drifting ..
though you sail face towards the sun
your heart of gold it shines on everyone
darlin [ my love ] you're drifting, you’re drifting ..
as the moons carve a pearl from stone
through this night, I move for you alone
my love,
I'm coming home . I'm coming home ..
[13] Starcross
[ duet with choral singing ]
now I've found you & all my love, all my love is here
the sun_moon has burned the sky - answers every tear
I have waited all my life all the next one too
while the tides brought all my love all my love to you
now I've found you & all the world all the world can see
through these eyes of blindness, you gave your eyes to me
I have dreamed you -all our dreams, all our dreams have led
to this place where you & I have made our simple bed
I shall love you, all of you - body, heart & soul
while the ages fill our cup - we drink what we can hold
now our love is brighter than the sun, the moon & stars
by your reflection -joy in on my lips & in our hearts
SOUND CAST : Musicians / Players (OG Peeps)
Ukulele : Cohen [ ukulele, voice, guitar, mandolin, piano ]
Piano : Andrea Johnson [ piano/keys, voice ]
Lead Classical Violin : Anne Marie [ violin ]
Lead Gypsy Violin:
4. Cello : Aisha Grzesik [ cello / voice ]
5. Lead Female Vocals : Luz Elena Mendoza [ lead vocals, tambourine, ukulele, guitar, dancer ]
6. Lead Male Vocals : Christopher Worth [ lead vocals, guitar, dancer ]
7. Percussion / Drums : Tory Elena [ lead percussion / drums / voice ]
8. Bass :
9. Guitar :
10. Flute / Horns :
11. Chior
Shadow Puppetry :
1. Christina Marie [ lead shadow puppeteer ]
2. Russel [ light-board operator ]
3. Matthew Hoffman [ lead puppeteer - albatross puppet ]
Dance Troupe :
1. Choreographer:
Dancers: 5 in number. *acting as elementals and story telling devices
1. Director :
2. Stage Tech :
3. Production Manager / road manager : Tyler
4. Light tech : Scott Johnson
5. Sound person :
6. Stage Tech :
7. Stage direction / Set Dresser :
8. Front of House Production Coordinator
9. Film Stills & Video : Martha McCord
Sound Tech Rider
Lightboard Rider
Stage Plot / Tech Rider
Cast Riders
Crew Riders
8. Mood-board & Styles
Styles [ context of characters & props ]
Sea-Captain Aed has a necklace with fire of the sun inside it. he keeps it under his shirt. it burns in the dark. the stars feed it when he sleeps. his hat is timeless & captain-esque ..
His tools : compass, sextant, telescope, optics, maps, star charts, ink, calligraphy, knives, bracelets, fur, stringed instruments, harmonium, harmonica, feather bed, royal colors, purple/red/white, gold, globe, blank rice paper [ for making maps ] , candlelight, swords, black pearls, tea-pot & cups, feathers [ etc ]
The Ship : ageless design. invisible sometimes. sings in the wind - light glass bells. sails - 3.
Island-Woman Kleito has a necklace with moonlight inside it. It glows when her heart stirs or when the ocean swells. tides & swing.
Her home : light & wooden. library of a king/queen. art on easels/sculpture. glass of many colors. white linen curtains. flowing lines & elegant tapestries.
Cove of Sunrise & Cove of Sunset : place where island woman dives for black pearls. her home is at the top of a cliff overlooking the coves. a windy path leading up to the top.
Fisherman/Lover has a necklace with the story of his love inside it. it appears as a blank scroll with gold string. at moments of passion - icons and strange languages appear on the paper - yet the fisherman does not know how to read it. it was a gift from the island woman. during his adventures at sea & when he is caught in the storm - it does something unusual [ not sure what ] [ lol ]
*this scroll gift is from a realized woman to a boy becoming a man - a talisman for someone about to take the hero's journey.
Visual Themes [ Shadow Puppeteer / HD Scrims / Projections]
the sea: waves, tides, patterns of currents, under and above
sail boat : captains ship, the helm, rigging, ropes, deck, mast, figure on front of ship, captains quarters, etc
island: the shore, the shape of, castle cliff home, pearls, shoreline with fishing boats, palms, bananas, coconuts, cove of sunrise/sunset
ship on the sea : storm at sea : waves crashing all around : the tip of the boat : stars above rain : capsize : sails on the water : stillness of deep water : sirens : bubbles & float upward as flying : subliminal : divine
visitation : a shore : running :
: sun_moons kissing every twilight : the chase : hunter : beloved : power & visitation : two moons eclipsing : two moon relationship, phases, binary relationships, size of each, gravitation differences, speed differences,
: divinity :
drifting on the sea - eyes to the sky : the dream alive : to land upon island : love or death : cove of sunrise : cove of sunset: woman
dreams : eyes : divine sparks :